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tv   The Next List  CNN  November 11, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PST

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rory mcelroy. the two golfers shared tales on and off the golf course. you'll only see that here at 4:00 eastern time. "the next list" with sanjay gupta starts right now. >> i think when you give everyday people access to the tools of innovation, amazing things can happen. >> welcome to "the next list." as a lifetime do it yourselfer, jim newton knows the power of having an idea and the tools to bring it to life. >> this is a fully functional kayak that folds up into a seuss ca -- suitcase-sized box. >> he wants to put reality into a piece of work. >> i think you just have to coax people out of their fear of trying. you know, for me it was really a
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lifesaver and i kind of get choked um talkip talking about because it really meant a whole lot. it still means a whole lot. >> for about $100 a month, members can use cutting edge tools to develop ideas, launch proce prototypes, and the other reason? because it's just plain fun. >> people are stunned. they say, i really can do it. they're stunned. >> it's an idea born of a simple conviction, but if you can dream it, you can build it. and some of those dreams are changing lives. >> i think when you give everyday people access to the tools of innovation, amazing
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things can happen. everybody has an idea in their head of something they want to make. ask anybody on the street. at first they may say, i don't know, i don't think so. but if you dig a little deeper, pretty soon they'll say, maybe it's something for your car, maybe it's something for your house or an improvement. once you dig that out of them, they'll open up and they'll they will you all about this thing they want to make. so what happens if you give these people access to tools that they need to actually realize those things. there are some really good ideas out there in people's heads that society needs. what tech shop brings to members that come in here is the ability to take the idea out of their head and get it into real form. it's very hard to do that for a lot of different reasons, from people being afraid to try to not having the right tools or equipment, to not knowing how to do the stuff. there is all these factors that prevent you from executing your
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idea. the goal of tech shop is to guide people through on a path to success so they can actually realize that idea. this is the fully functional kayak that folds up into a seuss ca -- suit-case sized box for storage. i thought of this a year ago when i moved and had to put my kayak into storage, and i was reading this story on origami which inspired me to think about ways to fold up a book. it's completely amazing because you can make pretty much anything you can imagine. >> when you started the tech shop, did you have an idea of the type of equipment? >> yeah. i had a list of about 200 things that i wanted to make. so i just looked up, what kind of tools do i need to make all those things? we have a huge range of equipment in the tech shop, everything from milling machines to lathes, to welding and sheet
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cutting equipment. >> how long would it take to do something like that? >> that probably was maybe a five-minute cut. the other thing that's great about tech shop is that we have our dream consultants on staff all the time. they'll cook right ov-- come rit over and help you out and make sure you feel confident about it. >> i lost my job about a year ago, and i was really kind of worried about the skills i didn't have. i felt i was only capable of sitting in front of a computer and typing e-mails. so i came to tech shop with this big goal of reskilling myself. my name is david lang. i'm with a group called open rv. we created an underwater robot. basically, you plug this thing into your computer and you can drop it into a pond or an ocean and control it and see what it sees.
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so we launch aid kickstarter product a month ago, and we raised $110,000 from people all over the world. so we are so busy building robots right now. >> the way we do our classes at tech shop is, if you came over to my house and you wanted to learn how to use my welder, i'm not going to subject you to a six-month cost. all i'm going to do is say, look, watch me do this, watch out for this, be careful of this, this can hurt you. here's how to control this part. okay, now you try it. we teach the safety stuff. but we don't want to discourage you from using that equipment because it's going to take you so long to learn it. i don't think you have to teach innovation. i just think you have to coax people out of their fear of trying to innovate.
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everybody has creative abilities, but people just don't express them. i mean, i see people come in here that are afraid to try anything. we give them some classes and some encouragement and they have some success with their projects, and you see them change, you see them light up. they say, wow, i really can do this. this is stunning. they're stunned. one of our members wanted to make a blanket to keep babies warm. they think it's going to save 100,000 babies' lives in the next five years. would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip.
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there is that instinct active drive for people to create. i like to think the tech shop rekindles that in people and gets them back to being makers.
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the type of people we attract varies widely, from single moms to professional designers to artists. it's all over the board. it's men, it's women, it's old people. it's real hard to say here's our typical member, because there really aren't any. >> i came to the tech shop because i needed a milling machine. i was building these things by hand and using a shop in st. louis. the tech shop had all these amazing people. one guy was making a segue. >> one of our members wanted to make a blanket to keep babies warm, typically in the third world where if a baby is born prematurely, it can't regulate its body temperature correctly. so if the parents or caretakers don't get that baby in an incubator in town, within a couple hours that baby will die. we needed a place where we could take our ideas from paper and make them a reality in a very
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quick way. we knew the technology was available in both machines and people, so we decided to start prototyping there. this pouch here canes a special material which is engineered to melt at 37 degrees, and it has the ability to maintain that temperature for several hours after it's melted. once it's heated, you place it inside this baby wrap, then you zip up this pouch, and here you place the newborn. the heat will transfer this way, and once you close this up, it will actually create a small mike c microenvironment just like an incubator. >> people say they need to keep their idea private because they want to patent it. i say you come in and share your idea, because when you do that
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and you get people working on your project with you, they're going to contribute so much in intellectual property and upgrade it so much, it's really almost a shame to keep your idea private when you've got this huge resource available to you. >> it's energetic that you can bounce your ideas around people. i'm patrick buckley. i'm the chief designer here at bookcase. it designs bookcases for ipads and kindle. we've been developing the prototype at tech shop and we continued to do the early production at tech shop using their equipment. what tech shop did for dodo case is help improve our demand for the product in the marketplace. we were able to do it quickly and get it into the market at a very critical moment. we went from hoping someone
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would buy one case to within a month, we had hundreds of orders every day. it would have been nearly impossible for us to do what we did without tech shop. >> it's like your favorite kid. it could be little tiny things, it could be big world-changing things. all the things the people do here just really, really lighten you up. they really excite me. a lot of companies and organizations say they want to change the world, but tech shop actually will and is changing the world, because our members have ideas, they know what will change the world and they do. tech shop empowers people to come in here and build businesses. they create devices that allow merchants to take credit cards where they never could before. there are hundreds of examples for things that are made here that have this ripple effect far, far out of tech shop's
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reach. but really, what you can see in tech shop is the spirit of the people there, and that's just super inspiring. you think you can't have an idea? go to tech shop and watch some guy, you know, build a folding kayak or create some sort of do-dad that you can't even contemplate. it's just great to be around people like that. it brings you up. they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪
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installed for just $99. isn't your family worth america's number one security company, adt? [ woman ] our girls got us thinking, but the break-in got us calling. [ man ] and after buying two of everything, it was nice to only need one security system -- adt. [ male announcer ] get adt installed for just $99, and ask about adt pulse, advanced home management here today. adt. always there. you have this living culture that you have to keep alive, feed it and nourish it. it's like having a pet, it really is. except you put it in an oven and kill it occasionally. for me making bread is just relaxing. i started tech shop actually for
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selfish reasons. i wanted access to the tools and equipment that would allow me to make all the ideas that i had in my head. i always got ideas of things i want to make. this is my electric cargo bike that i built for burning man last year. i found out i was going to burning man, and i wanted really nice transportation around in the playa. so i built this in about four days. come around here. if here there's two car batteries. everybody would yell, ice cream man when they saw me riding it. next time i take this out, i want to have a freezer in here with ice cream in it so when someone says ice cream man, i can stop and offer them ice cream. it's really amazing to build something in your head and say, i want that. instead of going out and trying to buy it somewhere, you just say i'm going to make it exactly the way i want it. i was raised here in the bay
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area, san francisco bay area. i've always been a pinker and a hacker all my life. i've always wanted to take things apart and see how stuff works. when i was about six, my dad built a dune buggy from scratch. i remember him rolling a volkswagen bug into the garage, and he took the body off, cut the frame, welded all the pieces together, put a new body on it and transformed this car. that was one of the critical points in my life when i learned that you can do pretty amazing things just with your hands and some tools. you can make something as amazing as a car. >> he's funny. he probably thinks some of his jokes are funnyer than i do, but he's funny. one time i went away for a weekend, and he made a mud pit in the backyard for the kids. he dug a hole and filled it with water, made the thing as muddy as he possible could, and they loved it.
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i wanted to give him a little bit of that freedom because i thought it was awesome. >> we made a go-cart, we made a street go-cart. the three kids and i went into the garage, cut steel, welded all this frame together, made a brake system and designed it from scratch. we did it in like one afternoon. by the end of the evening, the kids were all taking turns racing this car down the hill. >> i guess i always hoped that some of his building of the racecars and the mud pits and some of that is to maybe not always play it safe, maybe not always do stuff that is sanctioned. >> i hate when i have to fill out some application or form and it says, occupation, because i never, ever know what to put down. sometimes i put, you know, chairman or founder. if i put maker, they'll never know what it means. i was a science adviser for season 3 for that whole year.
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everyone would love to go on that show and build stuff and blow stuff up. my job there was to basically take the story that we were going to do and do small-scale pre-experiments. take some ping-pong balls and submerge them and see which way they would float, or put a hot dog in a tray of salt water or freshwater and measure the current going across. that's the story of when we drop appliances in the bathtub. just one of the best jobs in the world. >> when he talked about tech shop, he wanted a shop. he wanted his tools, and i was really happy to get stuff out of the house. but he was getting e-mails from people right away, people from all over the country and around the world wanting a tech shop there. he gets calls from washington. he tells me this stuff and it's unbelievable. i can't believe this idea that we had started out not as something to change the world, it's just to get him his tools.
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it's struck a nerve for so many people and it might change the world. >> one of the really exciting things we're doing right now is working with the v. a. to provide memberships to the veterans that are coming back from the war. list of almost two thousand corporate partners - companies like microsoft, american red cross and adobe - to create options for you. not only that, we're using what we learn from these partners to shape our curriculum. so that when you find the job you want you'll be a perfect fit. let's get to work. that was me... the day i learned i had to start insulin for my type 2 diabetes. me... thinking my only option was the vial and syringe dad used. and me... discovering once-daily levemir® flexpen. flexpen® is prefilled. doesn't need refrigeration for up to 42 days. no drawing from a vial. dial the exact dose.
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innovation is pretty important to a country's life blood, i think, last time i checked. one thing we don't really think about is you look around, and everything that we interact with has been designed by somebody. a lot of times it has a lot of innovative thinking behind it to make it a better product or a more affordable product or a more durable product or something that's in a new category or no one has ever designed something like that before. all of that innovation that happens doesn't just happen. it has to come from people. over the course of the past two and a half years, we've grown from two or three of us that started the business to 30 or so
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employees. any little bit that we can do to kind of keep the craftspeople of the community doing what they love to do is really something that gets me excited every morning. >> and what's unique about tech shop is it enables people to come in and do things themselves. you actually surprise yourselves at what you can do in such a little time. >> it's just inspiring. sometimes i would do design work just sitting in their lobby surrounded by this buzz of brilliance. it's fantastic. >> who is this? >> one of the really exciting things we're doing right now is working with the va to provide memberships to veterans that are coming back from the war. it seems like a lot of times veterans come back from the war and they end up with some menial job. i see that a lot. i think they deserve more than that. i think they deserve to be able to follow their ideas and their creativity and express themselves way product or a business or whatever they want to do with it.
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>> the vision here is that in five years we've got all of those veterans who use these memberships highly employed, earning the best they can possibly earn or managing or running their own businesses. >> i think that everybody is really born to be a maker, born to be creative. and i think something that happens is you grow up, you're a little kid, you're drawing pictures and they're scribbled, but that scribble looks like something to you. you're using your imagination to project that. when you get a little older, you draw a picture and maybe somebody says, what is that? and that's like the shattering statement, what is that? tech shop plays a role in building people's confidence. that's what our whole business is based on, is making sure that a customer has a successful and fun experience. >> that was a really scary
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thing. when you lose your job, they take your spirit from you. that was a really hard time. when i came here, i can't even explain coming here but using my skills. just coming in and welding, at the end of the day, i could say, you know what, i made something, rather than just sending a bunch of resumes and not hearing back. i kind of get choked up talking about it because it mattered a whole lot to me. it still matters a whole lot. >> one of the most amazing things at tech shop for me is seeing people come into this new environment and seeing them light up the first time they come up with a project. i'll be out in the lobby, and i like to ask people what they made. somebody will come out and they'll have all their gear all bundled up and i'll say, hi, did you have fun today? what did you make? and they'll say, oh, let me show you. and they'll unpack their whole kit just to get that little
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piece of metal they machined out to show me. look what i made? that's my favorite part. the good thing is that from the very beginning, i did want to do it to empower people. it's growing so quickly now that in ten years, we could have a million members. it's pretty cool. i'm a very lucky guy. lucky with my family, lucky with my business. i constantly feel that i'm just very lucky to have the opportunity to build this company and reach and touch so many people's lives. not very many people get to do that. >> jim newton says he never could have dreamed the impact that tech shop has had on so many people. he's now determined to open one in every major city in the country with the hope that new ideas and new inventions will come of it, or at least a lot of fun. newton


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